The new year brings us many resolutions, inspirational quotes that we share on Facebook, the best wishes that we send to others and also to ourselves, with the genuine conviction that “This is the year!”. I don’t know if it happens to you, but I find the first week of the year always very difficult to “start”. It seems to be one of the most unproductive I have.
But it is also when I reflect on how I can BE in the new year, which Talents I didn’t work, didn’t expand, didn’t invest in and which Talents the previous year gave me and which made me better prepared.
Talent. Do we all have a special talent or talents, revealed or to be revealed? I believe so. But I also believe that talent without focus, work/effort and discipline is not enough and can even be lost. We are all familiar with cases like that.
Because I work in the area of Consulting & Training, I am sometimes asked what the talent of a professional means to me?
When we say “that dancer is talented”; “the Cirque du Soleil company has a unique talent”; “Spielberg has a real talent for directing films”… What are we thinking about? A unique and extraordinary way of doing something, almost giving us the impression that it is easy and that we could do it too! We will see bellow that Talent encompasses many other aspects and that it fades away by itself…
There are three key aspects that I believe ALWAYS accompany us in our professional journey:
1) Talent (without a doubt!), what we do very well, effortlessly and with the desired results; what comes naturally to us and, on top of that, we do very well!
2) Values, which govern our life, which guide us in our decisions, in the kinship we feel or not with other people, in the way we feel in the workplace, in the relationship with Life in general. My Values identify me.
3) Experience, not what we do over and over again, but experience that expands and makes us expand our limits, our achievements. Experience is the route I took and how I apply it, capitalise, promote it in my life.
On this journey, both personal and professional, talents, values and experience are improved when we are with or observe the best in our area, but also the best in other areas that have nothing to do with us.
Jim Rohn says: “you are the average of the five people you spend the most time with” (now do the maths…).
But two other aspects are missing from this kit that accompanies us during our life:
4) Focus – In one of his lectures, Tony Robbins says “where focus goes, energy flows”. So, choose well where you want to focus and stay on that route. We create our reality through our energy management standards and also through focus and intention.
5) Consistency – Talent is as important as consistency in your exercise and here talent training is the key. I don’t know any brilliant professional in any of the areas in which they operate who does not work hard and consistently and who isn’t focused on achieving the desired results. One hour of performance at the highest level represents thousands of hours of training behind the scenes, overcoming demotivation, frustration, pain and anguish. Bulletproof resilience. Why? Because they dedicate themselves with devotion, they are “hungry”, and have a crystal-clear image of their goals, remaining focused on them. And then magic happens.
These talented professionals create in us the certainty that they belong there, that there would be no one else who could do better than them!
Robin Sharma, my Leadership guru, recommends us: “be so good at what you do we can’t take our eyes off of you!”
In the meantime, have you had time to think about your Talent as well? And in 2017, how do you plan to work the other four aspects of the kit ;)?
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